Worried about eating all that Fourth of July junk food while simultaneously trying to suck in your stomach in your bathing suit this holiday weekend? Well fear not, because there is actually a way to eat low-fat for the fourth!
Much to my surprise, grilling all those hotdogs and burger patties happens to be one of the healthiest ways to cook! Even better when you add some yummy (and healthy additions) to the grill such as corn, mushrooms, summer squash, zucchini, peppers, shrimp, onions, tomatoes, and pineapple. Not only will eating these veggies help fill you up before you chow down on your main meal, but they add some extra kick to your otherwise plain hotdog or grilled chicken.
Speaking of grilled chicken, this is arguably the most healthy of all the Fourth of July picnic or grill options. Eat along with some corn on the cob and grilled veggies and you are set! Poolside in your bikini afterwards?! YES MA’AM!
Not going to let go of your burger, you say? Fair enough…after all you are allowed to splurge somewhat for holidays. To cut fat – try mixing half your burger pattie with turkey meat before you throw it on the grill. Other ways to cut cals - lose one or both sides of the bun and leave off the high-fat slice of cheddar cheese. Instead adorn your burger with some jalapenos and/or tomatoes and sprinkle some low-fat mozzarella shredded cheese on top of the pattie. Now that sounds delicious!
Onward to the beverage selection for this weekend. Although tempting, try not to down the whole container of sugary lemonade this Fourth of July. Instead make your own lemonade with crystal lite lemonade flavor. Sweetened tea? Have you ever checked how much sugar goes into that stuff? Again, opt for crystal lite – they have lots of flavors to choose from including raspberry, peach and pomegranate flavored teas! Ahhhh, SO refreshing!
Going to stick with alcoholic beverages this holiday weekend? I don’t blame you one bit…but just remember to be sensible, as not all alcohol is created equal. (See the previous DASH post for more skinny summer cocktail options.) Beer is probably the most common alcoholic beverage to be served at your pool and picnic parties this weekend, so make sure you reach for a light beer – Budweiser select (a personal fav) has only 55 calories per bottle! Try to beat that ladies!
Awww, now on to the best part of any meal – dessert. But after chowing down on a burger and downing beer all day, you are starting to worry you are not the only one who notices how bloated you look in your two piece. Rest assure, because I saved the best for last. One of the most famous Fourth of July staples, watermelon, is both healthy and refreshing. Made up of mostly water, it is a “sweet” way to end any Fourth of July festivity. Not a watermelon fan? Dip strawberries in fat free whip cream or mix pineapple and berries for a sweet and flavorful dessert.
Can’t control your urge to reach for the pie, cake, or cookies that are lining the picnic table? If you cannot practice self control around these Fourth of July dessert options, remember to take a couple of bites and then PUT THE REST DOWN (or just skip that step and cut a very small piece from the start). If you have been drinking for the majority of the day, your inhibitions will be less than ideal at this point, so don’t make it any harder on yourself by cutting off a huge piece in the beginning.
Last, but certainly NOT LEAST, if you are like some of my friends, and at this point want to throw up your hands with all the substitutions and admit that you probably won’t be conscious about every bite you take this weekend (I mean who can honestly say they eat healthy on a boat on the lake all day…) at least REMEMBER to CUT YOUR PORTIONS. As all my training clients know, I live by the “eat everything in moderation rule” and I make sure that if I eat unhealthy here and there, I WON’T EAT all of it! So try a bite of pie or have half a hot dog or burger, but just make sure you are not cleaning your plate and running back for seconds all day long…and for crying out loud, get YOUR BOOTY back to the gym on Tuesday!
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